Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 317)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 317)
21) Ibid., p. 134.
22) Ibid., p. 134.
23) In "Testimony of George Mansour", in op cit., p. 294.
24) It must be noted here that Gertz does not specify the category
"money owners". However, its is widely believed that this category
refers to those who own P.L. 250 and over. See Tamar,Gozansky.
histpathut.. in op. cit. p. 106.
25) "Simpson's Report", pp. 74-75.
26} See “Periodical Appreciation Summary", C.I.D. no. 1/36 50/G/S,
in FO 371/200018/ File 36.
27) Ibid.,
28) Ibid.,
29) "Periodical Appreciation Summary", C.1I.D No.2/36 in FO 371/200018,
30) Ibid.,
31) Op.cit., File, no. 1/36.
32) Op.cit., File, no. 2/36.
33) "Testimony of George Mansour" in op cit. pp. 307-308.
34) Survey of Palestine, 1945-46, Chapt. XVII, p. 773.
35) Ibid., p. 774.
36) Calculated from Survey of Palestine,1945-46,Chapt. XVII, Table
1, p. 775.
37) State discriminatory policies were also manifested in the
differential treatment which Jewish and Arab municipalities received.
Thus, Jewish municipalities, in more than one instance, were exempted
from taxes, while Arab village councils were fined for not paying
their arrears. In 1929, for example, the government remitted a debt of
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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