Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 327)


Colonial Capitalism and Rural Class Formation (ص 327)
multifaceted set of specific, yet consistent policies and practices.
This was evidenced in three major ideological manifestations; "Jewish
market"; "Jewish land" and "Jewish labour" (Chapters, 1V, V, and V1)
which were implemented through legal and illegal means by the ruling
Zionist body.
The Zionist policies of “occupation of land and labour," in
particular, received a special attention in this Thesis (Chapters Vv
and VI respectively). Against one stream of scholarship produced or
echoed largely by Israeli official writers and other sympathetic
theorists which denies or plays down the correlation between the
"Jewish" and the indigenous Palestinian economies, we have reposited
other scholars' assertions (Rodinson,1981; Owen,1981;
Turner,1978;1984; Asad,1979; Zureik,1979) that the reproduction and
expansion of the European Jewish capitalist economy has, toa large
extent, depended on the exploitation of the indigenous Palestinian
labour power. European Jewish capitalist exploitation of indigenous
Palestinian labour power was extensively discussed in Chapter Vl. In
this respect, we have identified some historical parallels between the
Zionist racial (national) discriminatory policies of "Jewish labour
and Jewish land" and other settler economies, such as South Africa and
However, these policies had different long term strategic
objectives. The Zionist settlement in Palestine was not concerned with
maintaining the indigenous Palestinian labour power (as a source of
cheap labour) so much as it was geared towards the establishment of a
new exclusively Jewish economy.
The implementation of the long term political/ideological ends of
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Nahla Abdo-Zubi


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