Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 105)


Space, Kinship and Gender (ص 105)
definite and relatively few paths leading into the harah, the
Barghouthis were able to control undesirable intrusion. This meant by
definition that those few points where access was possible came to
have special importance. These points represented either the main
accesses leading to the harah or the highly elaborate gateways
leading to the dwelling compounds. As figure 4.12 Shows ,y
penetration points into the centre of the harah were defined by these
blocks. The lack of windows on the first floors and the few windows,
which were screened by lattice work on the second floor, revealed
very little about the life that thrived behind.
To penetrate to the core of the harah which was also the village
centre, one had to pass through either one of the three access
points. The east access was considered the formal gateway to the
harah and was used by formal visitors and those living on the north
and east sides of the village. [This entrance acted as a transitional
area defining what was in and what was out. To get to the saha, one
passed through a narrow and shaded vestibule. The architectural
articulation gave a strong sense of arrival. The change in light,
width, height, of ceiling and the framed view, all announced the
transition from being outside into being contained inside. The other
access point located to the west, was much less defined. This access
was used by the inhabitants living on the western parts of the
village. This access point was a very narrow alley contained by two
high walls of the north western block and the southern block on both
sides. This gave a feeling of containment contrasting with the
feeling of openness given by the saha. The north access point was
also a narrow alley contained between the high eastern walls of the
Saleh compound and the western walls of the mosque.
Fig. 4.12: Access point leading to the Barghouthi quarter
هو جزء من
Space, Kinship and Gender
Suad Amiry


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