From the Pages of the Defter (ص 9)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 9)
This dissertation is a socio-historical statistical study of the implementation and adoption of
Tanzimat-era land-tenure reforms in the Palestinian countryside. It addresses three main
questions: (1) what was the character of rural property tenure in mountainous regions of
Palestine; (2) to what degree were modernizing property-reform measures adopted by the
rural populace; and (3) how did the reform affect rural property-tenure and economic well-
The 1858 Land Code was one of a series of Tanzimat reforms that together
formalized individual title to property and land tenure. Yet, due to the dearth of accessible
documentation, little is known about the implementation of these reforms. Among
historians of Palestine, in the absence of proof to the contrary there is broad consensus that
the reforms failed. It is widely argued that villagers evaded land registration en masse, either
because they did not understand the significance of the reform or feared that increased
taxation or conscription would result from property registration.
This study brings to light and analyzes a property-value and property-tax assessment
register (Esas-1 Emlak) compiled in 1876 (1292 maliyye) for the villages and rural agricultural
lands of the large HalilUrrahman (Hebron) district, south of Jerusalem. It permits, for the
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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