From the Pages of the Defter (ص 31)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 31)
studies on the Ottoman rural population that is going on the market as this dissertation is
being defended, Suraiya Faroghi observes, “villagers before the late 1800s — or even the
twentieth century — have left very few traces of their cultural orientations, including even
religious practice[. W]ith a few notable exceptions, once culture and identity dominated the
26 In this
[historiographical] scene, Ottoman peasants disappeared from the historiography.
regard, Amy Singer’s investigations in the 1990s of the Ramle and Jerusalem countrysides in
the sixteenth century are innovative in their successful efforts to extract from statistical and
other sources “from-above” villagers’ political, social, and economic roles.’ In the same
vein, Leslie Peirce has written a historical study of legal culture and gender, based on one
year in the court of sixteenth-century Aintab. Peirce focuses on the stories of individual rural
and urban subaltern clients of the courtroom in order to analyze and explain local legal
culture and the local interpretation of broader contemporary historical processes.”® These
studies have served me as methodological guides in this dissertation, because it sets before
itself two equally important goals: one, understanding the implementation of Ottoman
property-tenure reform in rural Palestine and two, recovering the histories of the Palestinian
“© Quoted in the Introduction to Halcyon Days in Crete VIII: Ottoman Rural Societies and Economie (Crete
University Press, 2015), entitled “Bringing the Peasants Back In?” and authored by Elias Kolovos
- , accessed 27 December 2015.
27 Amy Singer, “The Countryside of Ramle in the Sixteenth Century : A Study of Villages with Computer
Assistance”, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 33/1 (1990), 51-79; Idem.,
Palestinian peasants and Ottoman officials: Rural administration around sixteenth-century Jerusalem
(Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994).
*8 | eslie Peirce, Morality Tales: Law and Gender in the Ottoman Court of Aintab (Berkeley: UC Press,
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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