From the Pages of the Defter (ص 40)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 40)
recorded in detail by Samuel Bergheim in an article appearing in 1894 ... .
Throughout most of the Empire—in the provinces of present-day Iraq, for
example, as well as in a large percentage of the Palestinian region (the
area of Jerusalem, also due to its specificity, represented an exception to
the rule)—the new regulations did not achieve the desired effects. On the
contrary, the fellahin, fearing self-exposure, decided in many cases to
register their land using the names of deceased relatives or noble residents
of major cities.
[Footnote:] This does not exclude the fact that there are cases in which the
fellahin living in the hill and mountain areas, or the areas in which the
majority of them were concentrated, had registered the land in their
name. The exact origin of the phenomenon is in any case difficult, if not
impossible, to estimate accurately.”°
This dissertation is being written because the conventional paradigm authored one hundred
years ago remains unchallenged and widespread (except hesitantly, in the rare footnote).
There is much historiographical misunderstanding of the laws of reform, the process of
reform, and the implementation of reform.”” There has not been sufficient evidence
available to allow systematic study, on the one hand, and the omnipresence of the
historiographical paradigm has discouraged challenge, on the other.
Lorenzo Kame
| a“
Whose Land? Land Tenure in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Palestine”,
BJMES 41/2: 230-242.
“ Among recent researches, see, for example, Erik Eliav Freas, “Ottoman Reform, Islam, and Palestine’s
Peasantry”, The Arab Studies Journal 18/1 (Spring 2010),196-231 and p. 209 in particular; Farid al-Salim,
“A Social History of Provincial Palestine: The History of Tulkarm in the Late Ottoman Period (1876-
1914)“, PhD dissertation (University of Arkansas, 2008), Chapter 4: “The Second Wave of the Tanzimat:
The 1858 Land Code and the New Social Order in the Tulkarm Region”, 88-114. Al-Salim’s book,
Palestine and the Decline of the Ottoman Empire: Modernization and the Path to Palestinian Statehood
(London: |.B. Tauris),which grew out of his dissertation, was published this year (2015), but
unfortunately | have not yet been able to consult it.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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