From the Pages of the Defter (ص 47)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 47)
the implementation of reforms in Hebron, it is therefore advisable to first review the
chronology of the promulgation of the reforms in the Empire and their implementation in
Palestine. Four sections comprise this chapter. In the first section, we will discuss the
promulgation of relevant land-tenure reform laws. The subsequent section discusses
property-tax reform. The third section will bring together available evidences that shed light
on the progress of the implementation of, if you will pardon the pun, reforms on the ground
in Palestine. Following that, in the fourth and final section, the introduction of registration
commissions to Palestine will be discussed.
Land-Tenure Reform: The Legalistic View
Following the April 1858 Land Code, additional related regulations and modifications were
announced periodically over the coming decades. Title deeds for mu/k (private property)
were not issued until 1274 (1291 H), and the law regarding title deeds for endowed
properties was promulgated only the following year.” Article 3 of the Land Code defined
tapu as a payment made to the government for the right to possess miri lands.*® Book One
of the Code treats miri lands in detail. Its first part defines the right of usufruct (tassaruf),
including what can and cannot be done on miri lands and how permissions to improve miri
“” The former on 28 Rajab 1291 (10 September 1874) and the latter on 6 Rajab 1292 (8 August 1875). For
the texts of these laws, see Ongley 229-238, 249-256.
“8 Ongley, 3.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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