From the Pages of the Defter (ص 54)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 54)
district, provincial, and large-provincial government clerks and the chain of command and
procedure between them. Chapter Six outlines the procedure for updating tapu certificates
and managing record books, while the final chapter indicates that maps are to constructed
of built-up areas, showing the number assigned to each structure.”
According to the 1860 law, each commission was to begin its provincial work in the
capital of the province to which it had been appointed. There, under supervision of the
commission head, registrars and assessors would be trained in-the-field while completing
the town’s registration.”
Then proceeding beyond the provincial capital, the 26-member commission would
split into two, to more quickly cover the province. In the towns and villages, local teams of
six assessors were to be appointed from among the trustworthy of the populace, one for
every group of six villages. These ad hoc teams were to be in charge of assessing local
property values. According to the law, the two government-appointed assessors on the
commission were to act as overseers.” All the males in each locality, whether young or old,
census matters are to be recorded and preserved at the Defter-/ Khakani offices. It does not mention tax
records. (Ibid., 133-134) islamoglu also understands the law intended “multiple registers”. (islamoglu
(2004), 298.)
°° Ongley, 130-133.
7” Ongley, “Law on the Registration of Census and of Properties”, Chapter 2, Article 1, p.113.
” Ibid., Chapter 2, Article 2, pp. 113-114. Article 4 notes that village mukhtars are not trustworthy and as
such were ineligible to participate on the assessment committees. (Ibid., 115.) Also see Chapter 4,
Article 1, p. 126.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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