From the Pages of the Defter (ص 57)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 57)
Ottomans were to approach the commissions; the commissions did not search out
individuals. Nor did they map out the land plot by plot, although they were tasked with this
regarding buildings within the cities and towns. Regarding landed property, the law explains
that people were to present their properties for registration and, upon examination for
veracity, they would be recorded. For this reason, | choose to translate the term yoklama
with the more-common meaning of “examination” and to forego the imprecise description
of the commission’s work as a “survey”.””
The law applied to every corner of the Empire, and to mu/k wherever it was found,
including on miri and waqf lands. Ownership or usufruct of any type of property without
obtaining a title deed was now forbidden. Eml/ak officials were to be established in every
district (qada) alongside the tapu clerk(s). as part of the Defter Khakani offices.’® Chapter
One of the law called for the registration of mu/k through yoklama commissions. These
commissions were to be composed of the emlak clerk of the district, a member of the
district or provincial Administrative Council (meclis-i idare) who was well-versed in
registration matters, the district registration official (tahrir me’mur) and also the imam, the
"The Samseddin Sami dictionary gives only this meaning for yoklama: “examination, inspection”.
(Kamus-! Tarki (Istanbul: Tercuman Gazetesi, 1985), 492. It is seemingly relevant to note, in the context
of tax-registration and fear of conscription, that in the original KamUus-i Turki published in 1901, yaqlama
was defined as the investigation and examination of a military ktinye (a register of names of persons).
(S. Sami , Kamds-i Turki (Istanbul: lqdam publishers, Rajab 1317 H / December 1899), 1565.
8 Emlak....nizamnamesi of 1291, preface. Ongley, 229-230.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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