From the Pages of the Defter (ص 81)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 81)
Regarding Jerusalem, Haim Gerber has examined the progress of land registration in
the Jerusalem qada (district) in the early twentieth century based on cases that came before
the district’s Administrative Council. He found that for each request to the Administrative
Council for permission to register land-ownership, a comparison was made between the
details regarding the parcel of land and the vergi-register. He found that while in many cases
the details did not match, in very few cases could the land not be located in the vergi-survey
at all.’°°
Aside from what was proscribed by law, nothing is yet known about the emlak
commission(s) in Palestine in general, and in Hebron in particular, or of their composition
and how they proceeded through the district and accomplished their work. As will be seen in
Chapters Two and Three, it can be inferred from the information they recorded in the
register that local cooperation was an essential component of the commission’s work. While
the path the commission(s) took in Hebron is unknown, the ordering of the Esas-1 Emlak
register reflects the attention that was given to administrative borders. Image 1.1 on the
following pages illustrates the order in which the villages of Hebron were recorded in the
Emlak register (#1-50). It is enlightening to compare the ordering of the villages in the
register with the list of villages in the 1871 sa/name for the province of Syria, which are
categorized by nahiye (subdistrict). Doing so, it becomes clear that the em/ak register was
139 Gerber, 206.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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