From the Pages of the Defter (ص 85)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 85)
Chapter Two
Claiming Property I:
The Villages in the Esas-1 Emlak register
This chapter begins to examine the outcome of the property-value and property-tax
assessment registration in rural Hebron. It seeks to determine, first, the extent to which the
register reflected reality. Secondly, it aims to identify characteristics that defined rural
society in Hebron through an examination of the building-scape and population of the
The District of Hebron in 1876 (and not 1875 and not 1877)
A perusal of secondary literature in search of the size and composition of the Hebron district
in the late nineteenth century will yield a confusingly wide range of numbers."” This is
attributable to the problematic attribution of what is ephemeral data to a stretch of time.
While a number of studies investigating settlement patterns over time in Palestine have
Me Compare the range of estimates on the number of villages in the Hebron district in the late-Ottoman
period in Alexander Scholch, Palestine in Transformation 1856-1882, Studies in Social, Economic and
Political Development, trans. William C. Young and Michael C. Gerrity (Washington, DC: Institute for
Palestine Studies, 1992), 188; Mas‘ud Amin Abu Bakr, Qadha al-Khalil 1864-1918 (The District of Hebron
1864-1918), (Amman: Committee for the History of Bilad al-Sham), 34; Suad Amiry, ‘Imarat Qura al-
Karast min tarikh al-Iqta ‘ ff Rif Filastin ff al-qarnayn al-thamin ‘ashr w’al-tasi‘ ‘ashr (Architecture of the
Throne Villages from the time of the igta ‘in the Palestinian countryside in the 18th-19th centuries)
(2003) 210; and Johann Bussow, Hamidian Palestine:Politics and Society in the District of Jerusalem
1872-1908 (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 196.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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