From the Pages of the Defter (ص 89)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 89)
elsewhere, and their given surnames are al-Asadi, meaning “people from Khirbat al-Asad”.
Two of them are brothers, sons of a man named Khatir, the third a son of one Mansur. In
contrast, the other agricultural properties in Khirbat al-Asad, eight olive groves of varying
sizes from 10 to 105 trees, are registered to individuals whose residences are identified as
being elsewhere: the villages of ‘Artuf some distance to the north, and Sufla and Bayt ‘Itab,
which both neighbored Khirbat al-Asad. Interestingly, the olive-tree owners living in ‘Artuf
are none other than the three Asadis. It appears almost certain that these three can be
related to the two hanes (households) counted in the khirbe in 1871. | cannot at this stage
trace these three men’s story and the fate of this village / mezra‘ in this period farther than
this, though. The register does not provide us more clues. The location of their residence is a
mystery. None of these three men or their fathers can be identified among the residence
owners in ‘Artaf.’°° Although it seems reasonable to conclude that the two hanes
(households) listed in 1871 were those of these three, this does not tell us about their
assumed abode(s) in Khirbat al-Asad. Were they under construction? Were they temporary
structures? Without more information, we cannot judge why the designation of Khirbat al-
Asad was changed from a village to a khirbe in these years. We can, however, observe that if
it was resettled, this was not permanent. Khirbat al-Asad does not appear among the list of
10 ISA, Esas-1 Emlak, entries #3025-3056.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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