From the Pages of the Defter (ص 96)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 96)
There appear to be three errors in the salname numbers, as noted in the Table above
with the notation “(sic?)”. | believe an extra zero was inadvertently added to the hane
numbers for Ras Abu ‘Amar, ‘Artuf, and Sufla, and that likely these figures should be 33, 14,
and 80 hanes respectively. According to the figures as recorded, there were 3,566 hanes in
the district in 1871. If we assume we can correct for extra zeroes, this reduces the overall
hane count to 3,071. In 1876, when the unit of counting was not hanes but, rather,
residences, 3,646 homes were counted in the district. This is the total of the figures in the
first column of Table 2.1.
It is expected that there would be more residences than hanes, since my research
into Hebron’s population registers shows that the hane often comprised more than one
conjugal family. And as expected, a comparison between the numbers of households in 1871
and the number of residences in 1876 yields these results in all but twelve cases, or 20
percent of the entries. Residences (oda, hane) in the rural Hebron district appear to have
been primarily single-family units. This corresponds with the situation Kenneth Cuno found
in rural Egypt in the mid-nineteenth century.”
7 The 1848 census in Egypt was enumerated in the villages not by household (ma‘isha in Arabic) but,
rather, by house (manzil). In the three villages he sampled, he found that nuclear families — a husband
and wife and their children) were predominant in the manzils. Kenneth Cuno, “Demography, Household
Formation, and Marriage in Three Egyptian Villages during the Mid-Nineteenth Century”, in Mohammad
Afifi, Rachida Chih, Brigitte Marino, Nicolas Michel and Isik Tamdogan, eds., Sociétés rurales ottomanes /
Ottoman Rural Societies (Cairo: Institute francais d’archéologie orientale), 110.
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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