From the Pages of the Defter (ص 101)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 101)
Table 2.2
Number of Individuals per Hane in Dura, According to the Nufus Register of 1905
Individuals Frequency Individuals Frequency
per hane (# hanes) per hane (# hanes)
hanes of 4 hanes of 16
hanes of 5 hanes of 17
hanes of 6 hanes of 18
To return to the matter at hand, as stated, we should expect there would be fewer
households (hanes) in 1871 than residences in 1876, because hanes could comprise a
number of conjugal families. On the whole, this is what a comparison of the 1871 sa/name
figures and the 1876 residence numbers shows. When we add to this comparison the
relative data on hane numbers from the 1905 population registers in Appendix Il we can
compare relative indicators of population across three distinct sets of documents spanning
thirty-five years. Although the comparisons are not without aberration in individual cases,
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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