From the Pages of the Defter (ص 102)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 102)
which merit investigation, on the whole the data is congruent and, thus, indicates that the
emlak registration of 1876 reasonably reflects the entire population of the villages.
In what follows in this chapter, we will aim to understand the emlak register on two
levels. On one level, we will read and analyze the register to understand the social and
economic structures of the villages and the distribution of propertied wealth. On another
level, we will read between and beyond the lines of the register’s entries to determine the
process and procedure of the emiak commission. Before proceeding further, the mention of
a few notes about the organization of the em/ak register are in order. The registration of
properties followed the same basic pattern in each village. First, a list of residences and
other structures within village limits were recorded. This was followed by a list of villagers’
lands and trees. Often, entries for gardens (hakyures, bagces), vineyards (bags), olive trees,
fruit trees (primarily fig trees and, rarely, lemon trees), and orchards (bustans) were mixed
together, and fields (tar/a ) were recorded last. Lands were measured by dunams and evieks,
the Turkish dunam being equal to slightly less than the metric dunam (939.3 m’), and the
eviek equal to one-fourth of a Turkish dunam.’””
With few exceptions, olive trees were
measured in terms of numbers of trees, and the land they occupied was not measured,
registered, or taxed. (Other trees were measured by dunam.) Assessments of agricultural-
property values were relatively standard across the district according to types of property,
*®? Semseddin Sami dictionary. The terms in Ottoman Turkish are aig and Uy).
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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