From the Pages of the Defter (ص 107)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 107)
Eighteen villages registered their community guest house (menzul) in the emlak
‘74 With few exceptions, menzils in rural Hebron were registered as property for the
benefit of the community, and as such they were not subjected to the vergi. Fourteen
villages recorded having a mosque (cami). Bayt Natif registered two mosques. Fountains
(cesme) could be found in Dura and Sa’‘ir. Four villages had sufi lodges (zaviye). The large
village of Bayt Jibrin in the western foothills registered two zaviyes. Others were found in
Halhul, neighboring Hebron to the north, Bayt Natif, and Bayt Itab. While all villagers
obviously buried their dead, graveyards were registered to only three villages, Bani Na‘im,
Dura, and Sa‘ir. This may have been a factor of the location of the graveyards relative to the
built-up area of the village. That said, the number of mosques registered is fewer than is
known to have existed. Two egregious omissions are the magam and masjid of Nabi Yunus
(Jonah) in Halhul and the magam and masjid of Nabi Lut (Lot) in Bani Na‘im. The village of
Halhul, neighboring Hebron to the north, grew around the shrine of Nabi Yunus, which sits
atop the highest point in the Hebron district. However the only religious structure registered
in Halhul was a sufi lodge (zaviye). The mosque and maqam of Nabi Lut, today on the edge of
Bani Na‘im was about two kilometers outside the village area in the nineteenth century.”””
There is record in the emlak register of a tomb-shrine (turbe) and a graveyard in the village.
* On the menzuil, see Ahmad Salim ‘Awda’s historical essay, “Qaryat al-Zib Kama ‘Araftuha” (The Village
of Zib as | Knew It). , accessed 8
February 2015.
> Abu Sitta, sheet 495.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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