From the Pages of the Defter (ص 109)
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- From the Pages of the Defter (ص 109)
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Images 2.1 and 2.2
On the left, example of the incorporation of caves into traditional village architecture. Zahariyya
village. Hebron. Photo by author, 2011.
On the right, example of traditional village architecture, the raised platform mastaba,’”
incorporated into a cave. Wadi Fukin village, Hebron. Photo by Qais Manasra, 2007.'”
Other common features in the villages included olive presses, of which forty were recorded
in the district. Precisely one-fifth of them were located in Dayr Aban, one of Hebron’s most
populous villages, located in the northern part of the district approximately twenty
kilometers west-southwest of Jerusalem. This village of 171 residences registered en bloc as
178 Tawfik Canaan, “The Palestinian Arab House”, part 2 of 2, Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society,
13/1-2 (1933), 1-84.
179 Open source: ,
accessed 25 December 2015.
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- Susynne McElrone
Position: 18009 (5 views)