From the Pages of the Defter (ص 112)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 112)
court records, for instance. The words’ literal meanings are incongruent with the way they
were applied in the emi/ak register. There were numerous, multiple-musaqgafat odas, for
instance, so an oda obviously could be more than “a room”. Likewise, there were hanes of
one musaqgqaf. We can deduce from assessed values of residences that a hane was usually
bigger than an oda; in general, hanes were valued higher than odas. Nevertheless, one can
easily observe so many exceptions to this platitude that it would be careless to attempt to
deduce more than this. Did the category musaqgafat have a variable meaning? Was an oda a
one-story structure and a hane a two-story structure? Did oda cover both stand-alone
buildings and, equivalent to the Arabic bayt (as opposed to dar), a room or series of rooms
within an extended-family residence? These questions cannot be answered with available
Mundy and Saumarez-Smith have assumed that in ‘Ajlun a hane was a house and an
oda a room.
Their analysis of housing values and socioeconomic stratification within and
between villages in ‘Ajlun appears to indicate that there was a clear distinction between
these two types of housing there, in terms of value.*®° In any case, it did not lead them to
question the meaning of the terms. The picture in Hebron was clearly different.
Table 2.2 shows a representative sample of the range of housing values in
settlements of various sizes in the different nahiyas of the Hebron district. Two phenomena
185 Mundy and Saumarez-Smith, 138.
"8° Ibid., See housing and housing-value distribution maps and the discussion following, 61-65.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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