From the Pages of the Defter (ص 115)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 115)
After the ‘Azze villa, the highest-valued rural residences were hanes valued at 6,000 kurus.
There were only three such structures in the district: one of them in ‘Ajjur and two in the
medium-sized, livestock-rich village of Bani Na‘im on the arid eastern edge of the Hebron
plateau, overlooking the Dead Sea.”
In Bani Na‘im, one-third of the 89 residences (thirty-
three, to be precise) were valued below one thousand kurus each. The majority of homes in
the village, fifty-four of them, were assessed at values between one- and two-thousand
kurus. The mean average of the highest-valued residence in each of the villages in the
district is approximately 3,000 kurus.’”"
Only in Bayt Kahil (which we will visit in Chapter 4) and in the mezra Rihiyya,
discussed above, was the intra-village housing-value discrepancy less than 1,000 kurus. In
fifteen villages the discrepancy in values between the highest- and lowest-valued residences
was between 1,000 and 1,999 kurus. In eighteen villages, this discrepancy ranged from 2,000
to 2,999 kurus. In twelve villages the discrepancy was between 3,000 and 3,999 kurus. In one
village, Barqusiya, the discrepancy was 4,000 kurus, and in the three villages with the
highest-valued residences, as one might expect, the discrepancy between the most humble
and the most luxurious residences was more than 5,000 kurus. The gap between the average
“3 These residences were registered to Mustafa b. Hamdan of ‘Ajjur and to Husayn b. Musa al-Msasreh
and Muhammad b. ‘Aliyan of Bani N’aim. Bani N’aim was a village of 89 residences at the time (81 hanes
and 8 odas). All its land was privatized in the 1875 register. Villagers registered 1,549 plots, primarily of
field-crop lands, but also vineyards, fruit trees and orchards, olive trees, and gardens.
To be precise, it is 3,119 kurus. If we exclude Bayt Jibrin from the calculation, the mean value drops to
2,781 kurus.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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