From the Pages of the Defter (ص 127)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 127)
misunderstanding in the literature that musha was incompatible with and outlawed by land-
tenure reform laws. This idea, together with musha’s continued existence, has been a pillar
of the argument that land-tenure reform failed. This chapter demonstrates that musha was
permitted after land-tenure reforms, and it begins to examine the ways in which villagers
simultaneously conformed with Ottoman goals of individualizing deeds to title and tax
obligations while preserving land-management techniques like this that were beneficial to
them. This discussion will continue in Chapter 4, as well. We begin this chapter with a
historiographical intervention regarding the traditional understanding of
individual/household agricultural wealth in the province of Jerusalem in the early twentieth
century. The following section presents an overview of agricultural property in the district of
Hebron. The chapter then considers patterns of registration in the eml/ak register.
Misreadings: Ruppin and Granott on farmholdings and sharecroppers
In 1907, 1909, 1913, and 1914, the Ottomans compiled statistical data on the size of
agricultural lands, agricultural plot-sizes, and production in various parts of the empire.
These surveys administered by the Ministry of Forests, Mines, and Agriculture (Orman ve
Meadin ve Ziraat Nezareti) were conducted by means of questionnaires sent to the gaza
(subdistrict) governments to be completed in part by chambers of commerce (ticaret
odalari) and city councils (belediye meclisleri), and in part by commissions comprised of
treasury, tapu and population-registry (nufus) officials. Vergi records like the emlak register
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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