From the Pages of the Defter (ص 139)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 139)
Table 3.1: En-bloc holdings of Hebron villages, 1876
Field-crop Olive Vegetable Vineyard
land trees Value gardens Value / Orchard Value
Village (dunams) Value(kurus) | (#trees) (kurus) (dunams) —_(kurus) | (dunams) — (kurus)
Bayt Jibrin 21,768 3,809,500 3,200 320,000
Yatta 21,312 3,200,000
Dayr Aban 5,624 984,200 4,086 919,350
Dwayme 16,711 2,924,500 1,262 132,750
Ajjur 4,050 708,750 4,960 496,000
Halhul 15,300 2,677,500
Bayt Natif 4,305 215,250
Surif 1,480 148,000
Tel al-Safi 26,496 4,752,500 842 84,250
Zakariyya 3,680 644,000 12,136 1,213,625
Bayt ‘Itab {no info.) 328,625
Bayt Ula 10,675 1,866,625 1,400 140,000
Idhna 13,000 2,588,625 2,000 200,000
Taffuh 6,074 911,125 2,400 300,000
Barkusiyya 7,434 743,500
Dhikrin 16,588 2,461,000 1,170 58,500
Nuba 5,633 845,000 2,225 222,500
Tarqumiyya 5,576 975,875 3,000 300,000
Dhahriyya 11,421 1,853,625
Bayt Umar 9,600 1,440,000 (no info.) 20,750
Samu’ 14,457 2,004,575
Haris 5,069 887,125 1,490 223,500
Bayt Fajjar 2,000 305,875
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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