From the Pages of the Defter (ص 172)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 172)
Samu‘ village’s population was somewhat larger than Shuyukh. There were 64 structures in the
village, including three caves (each valued at 250 kurus) and four courtyards (‘arsa) that were
each valued at 125 kurus. The highest valued residence was assessed at 1,250 kurus. Samu‘ is
unique among Hebron villages with musha in that villagers registered all of their agricultural
land, 14,457 dunams, as musha. This was recorded in thirty-five different parcels in different
locations, named, for example, Khallat al-Fara, Ard al-Khiraba, and Qitat Khalid.Each of them
was registered to “the people” (umum ahali-ye mahsus). These land parcels varied in size from
four dunams to 1,750 dunams. Eight of the parcels were 1,000 dunams or larger. Thirteen plots
were between 100-1000 dunams, the smallest being 150 dunams and the largest 515. Most of
their sizes are precise numbers, for example, 254 and 276 dunams. One plot was recorded as
being 70 dunams, another 60 dunams, and a third, 50 dunams. The size of the eleven smallest
plots, all smaller than fifty dunams, were not all rounded numbers. There were plots 4, 19, 26,
and 32 dunams in size, as well as plots of 25, 30, and 45 dunams, for example.
Forty percent of the parcels were the highest grade of land, Grade 1. Almost the same
proportion, 37 percent, was Grade 2, which was the category of the majority of lands in the
Hebron district. Just eight percent of the lands were assessed as Grade 3 properties. The Grade
Today, Route 60, the principal, West Bank north-south road, passes through this area about one
kilometer north of Ard Wardan. Ard Wardan is just south of Arroub refugee camp, the border of which
abuts Route 60.
290 Fcas-1 Emlak entries #10026-10130.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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