From the Pages of the Defter (ص 176)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 176)
plots of tarla registered to individuals. The majority of these were Durawis, but some of the
property owners were recorded as living in nearby Taffuh or in Hebron. The largest of these
parcels by far was one of 1,500 dunams owned by a son of ‘Abd al-Rahman ‘Amr.7”2
The town’s musha was registered according to the two supra-family divisions, to the
‘Arjan and the ‘Amaira. The ‘Arjan musha was 38,333 dunams of tarla spread over seven
geographical areas (See Table 3.5, below.) Within these areas we find mathematical
proportions totaling 360 shares divided into groups of sixty. There were thirty parcels in in
Umm al-Shaaf and thirty in Bayt ‘Awa. There were two sets of thirty parcels in Dayr Samit.
There were 61 parcels in Umm Kheshdem, and 59 parcels in Wadi al-Qamah. There were 60
parcels in Ard al-Sibta and 60 on Jabal Gharbi (the western mountain). These parcels were
registered to individuals.” Table 3.5 below summarizes this data and shows the size of plots in
each area as well as their assessed value in kurus. The land was Grade 2 and Grade 3 land.
8 The plot was in Wadi al-Sifr, and it belonged to Yahya, who was a powerful regional figure in his own right.
Esas-1 Emlak entry # 9183
°° Esas-1 Emlak entries # 9291-9650.
°° Ih the future | will be investigating the shareholders’ identities.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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