From the Pages of the Defter (ص 191)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 191)
Table 4.2
The plantation farms (mezra‘s) of the Hebron district in 1876
Field- Olive
cropland _ trees
Name (dunams) (#) Farmers’ village(s) of residence
Masfara |: --------- No---information---recorded------------
Sanabira 3,038 0 (had reverted to miri (state) lands)
Wadi Surif 2,807 0 Surif, Haras, Nuba, Bayt Ula, Bayt Natif
Zif 2,415 0 Hebron
Umm Burj 2,400 0 Nuba
Jamrura 2,150 0 Bayt Kahil and Taffuh
Rihiyya 969 0 Residents of the mezra‘ and of Dura
Khirbat al-Asad 39 312 ‘Artuf, Bayt ‘Itab, Sufla
In Jamrura, as can be deduced from Table 4.3 on the following page, six villagers of Bayt Kahil
claimed the majority of the lands, 840 dunams divided into equal shares, while seven residents
of Taffuh held 665 dunams in shares of varying sizes. For comparison, in 1945, according to the
Mandate government’s Village Statistics the still-uninhabited Khirbat Jamrura then comprised
3,707 metric dunams of land, all owned by Palestinians. This included 1,691 metric dunams of
cereal lands, nine metric dunams of plantations and irrigable land, and 2,007 metric dunams
considered to be noncultivable.?72
2 Sami Hadawi, Village Statistics 1945: A classification of Land and Area Ownership in Palestine, with
explanatory notes by Sami Hadawi, Official Land Valuer and Inspector of Tax Assessments of the Palestine
Government (Beirut: Palestine Liberation Organization Research Center, 1970), Table 1 (p. 50), Table 2 (p.
143), and Table 3 (p. 143). According to research by the Applied Research Institute in Jerusalem (ARIJ),
today some 3,000 dunams of Khirbat Jamrura farmlands remain uncultivable, not because of the quality of
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From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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