From the Pages of the Defter (ص 206)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 206)
on the supply side of the industry. At least some residents of Taffuh supplied the
manufacturers in Hebron. For example, court records indicate that al-Hajj Muslim al-
Zawatne of Taffuh owned, at the time of his death in 1870, not only landed wealth — 19.25
feddans of land but also a sizeable goat herd of 150 large black goats valued at 5,400 kurus.
A further indication of this villager’s socioeconomic status was his black servant named
R‘awan. She was valued, among his personal possessions, at 1,350 kurus.*>
The second issue one must consider, in trying to understand the contradiction of
ownership presented by the Esas-: Emlak register and the 1895 court case, is how the tapu
and tax lists were created and maintained. Haim Gerber suggested that separate surveys
were conducted for tapu and vergi (tax) registrations (as opposed to one, joint survey).>°* H
bases this on his research of Jerusalem Administrative-Council records of 1906-08 and 1911-
12. He found among these records hundreds of land-tenure-related cases, which he states
3°3 Gerber found that most of
came from every village in the Jerusalem subdistrict (qaza).
these were requests to register lands. He determined through his study of minutes of
administrative-council meetings that the council’s protocol in such cases was two-fold. An
on-site investigation would take place, and tax-records for the plot would be checked in
what he calls the vergi registers, in an attempt to match details about a given plot with its
1 HRA / 24/505 (11 Rabi’ Il 1287 /11 July 1870 ) and HR 4 / 26 / 514 (12 Rabi‘ Il 1287 /12 July 1870).
>? See the section “Land Registration” in his Ottoman Rule in Jerusalem 1890-1914 (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz,
1985): 202-6.
°3 Ibid., 202.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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