From the Pages of the Defter (ص 214)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 214)
population registry would be compiled. The 1888 population registry-books prescribed the
recording of females, as well as many details about individual’s assets, profits (temettu’), and
taxes paid, but only the names, birth dates, and family groupings of males were registered.
In 1905, although the household remained the unit of organization, each individual — male,
female, old, and young — began to be recorded by name on a separate line in the register.
The intention of the administration to be able to track the population through the empire
and across their lives is made apparent by a glance at the record-book forms: there were
columns to record each individual’s year and place of birth, residence, including street and
house number, occupation, parents’ names, parents’ residence(s), religion (millet), eye color,
skin color, approximate height and size, unusual physical features or handicaps, and year of
conscription, marital status, births, and death.?°
In 1876, the Hebron-region Emlak commission was interested, particularly at this
beginning stage — the esas — in assigning names to properties, determining and recording the
dunams of lands under cultivation, assessing their worth, calculating the amount of property
tax owed on properties and being able to assign that yearly burden to a taxpayer.*” This
368 ISA, NF registers for the Hebron district, 1881 and 1905.
369 Mundy’s and Smith’s joint investigation of 1895 tax registers for the hill villages of Kufr ‘Awan and
Khanzira in the Transjordanian hills and Hawwara and Bait Ra’s in the plains villages suggests the same
priority is observant in Transjordan. In Bait Ra’s, for example, partnership/shareholding was annotated
in the tax register as observed in the Hebron register, by a notation noting an (unnamed) partner or
relative. In Hawwara, however, only one name was assigned tax liability per property. Either there were
no partnerships or shareholdings, or the commission chose not to mention them (see Mundy and
Saumarez Smith, 117, 140).
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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