From the Pages of the Defter (ص 229)


From the Pages of the Defter (ص 229)
Part One: The Sellers
Due to the large number of villager petitioners involved in this case — nineteen people — the
court session was not convened in Hebron. The court scribe, Hebronite ‘Abd al-Qadir Effendi
Hammouri-zade, was sent to Bayt Kahil. He convened the legal hearing in the village
mosque’s courtyard.*” Present with him in Bayt Kahil were two Hebronites, Shaykhs Ahmad
and Khalid, sons of Shaykh Darwish al-Ja’abri. Shaykh Ahmad would, in a few years’ time,
have a son he named Muhammad ‘Ali. Shaykh Muhammad ‘Ali al-Ja ‘abri would, as an adult,
establish Hebron University and serve as long-time mayor of Hebron (1940-1976).*°° Shaykhs
Ahmad and Khalid’s role in the case, according to the court record, was to confirm the
identity of the nineteen villagers. It is pertinent here to note what were likely already their
professions. Ten years later, in Hebron’s population registry, it was recorded that Ahmad
was then serving the municipality and employed as an agent of the Bang Ziraat (Ottoman
Agricultural Bank) and the land-registry offices. His younger brother, Khalid , who could read
°° Recall, similar procedure took place in the Taffuh case. Hebron court registers indicate that the court
was ina number of cases willing to hold a court session at its clients’ abodes, if the case involved
notable families in Hebron or the villages, for example, or in cases like these, where it was deemed to be
the most convenient arrangement for the large number of people involved.
398 Michael R. Fischbach, “Ja ‘bari, Muhammad Ali”, in Philip Mattar, ed. Encyclopedia of the Palestinians,
revised edition (New York: Facts on File, 2005), 255. See also ‘Imad al-Bishtawl, a/l-Shaykh Muhammad
‘Ali al-Ja’abart wa Dawruhu fi al-haya al-‘ama 1900-1980 (Shaykh Muhammad ‘Ali al-Ja’abri and his role
in the Public Life 1900-1980) (Hebron: Dar Usama, 2007), 26, 198.
هو جزء من
From the Pages of the Defter
Susynne McElrone


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