The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 10)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 10)
ABSTRACT .. 0.0... 2 ee iv
LIST OF TABLES 2.1... ee ee iX
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........0..0. 00000 eee ee eee Xi
1. INTRODUCTION ....... 0... 000. ee ees 1
1.1 Purpose of the Study ................ 0.0... ..0040. 2
1.2 Background of the Study ............... 0.2.00 0000. 3
1.2.1 Geography .............0...2....2.02-200-. 4
1.2.2 The Mandate ................ 2.2.00... 2000. 5
1.2.3 Population ........ 0.0... . eee ee es 7
1.2.4 Inflow of Money and Capital Stock .............. 9
1.2.5 Transportation ...................2.0-0004 10
1.2.6 Trade 2... . 2... ee 12
1.2.7 National Income ...............0 00020 12
1.3. Literature Review ............. 002020 eee eee 13
1.3.1 Dual-economy Approach .................... 16
1.3.2 One-sector Dualism ..............2. 200000 0- 17
1.3.3. True Dualism With Strong Separation ............ 18
1.3.4 Dualism With Interaction ..............0.00-. 22
1.3.5 The Capitalist Penetration of a Noncapitalist-economy
Approach .. 0... 2.0... eee eee ee 56
1.3.6 The European Colony Approach ............... 58
1.3.7 A Study More Closely Focused on Agriculture ...... 60
1.4 The Theoretical Framework ................ 22000. 63
15 Hypothesis. ........... 0.0.02... 0 eee ee eee 68
1.6 Outline. 2... ees 69
2 THE PREMANDATE PERIOD: 1850S TO 1914 ............. 70
2.1 Land Tenure ......... 0... . 00. eee ee ee 71
2.2 Demography ........... 0... eee eee ee ee ee ee 81
| 2.2.1 1850s-1880 .. 0... ee ee 82
2.2.2 1880-1914 .. 2... ee ee ee ee 83
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Riyad Mousa


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