The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 11)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 11)
2.3. Economic Structure .................2..--02-20--. 86
2.3.1 The Primary Sector ..................-.-4. 86
2.3.2 The Secondary Sector..............-202.004. 90
2.3.4 The Tertiary Sector... 2.0.20... 0... .0 02-2220 ae 93
2.3.5 Jewish European Settlement .................. 99
2.4 Conclusion ......... 0.0.0... cee ee ee 105
3. TAXATION, DEBT, AND LAND TENURE ............... 110
3.1 Taxation... . 0... ee 110
3.2 Debt, or the Intensification of the “Scissors Crisis” ....... 125
3.3. Land Tenure ........... 0... ee es 136
3.3.1 The Disintegration of Musha’a ............... 136
3.3.2 Jewish European Land Acquisitions ............ 139
3.3.3. Arab Landholding ...................204. 146
4, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION ................020040. 165
4.1 The Growth in Cash Crops ..................004. 166 —
4.1.1 Vegetables .................2.2.-20-2004. 167
4.1.2 Citrus 2.2... . ee ee ee 180
4.1.3 Fruits 2... 0. ee 192
4.1.4 Olives 2... 2. ee 194
4.1.5 Fodder. ..... 0.0... 0.0... 2 eee eee, 199
4.1.6 Sesame ...... 0.0... 2. ee ee 201
4.1.7 Tobacco ..... 0... 0.0... 2c ee eee 204
4.2 Staple Food Crops ... 0.0.0... ee ee 207
4.3, Animal Husbandry ............ 0.0.0... eee eee 215
4.4 Conclusion ........ 0... 0... ee eee 226
5. TECHNIQUES OF PRODUCTION ..............-..-.... 229
5.1 Mechanization ....... 0... 0... 2.0... eee eee 229
5.2 Irrigation... 2... ee ee 235
5.3. Fertilizers 2... . 0... eee ee ee ee eee 240
5.4 Crop Rotation and Fodder ..............-...200.4. 242
5.5 Seed Improvement ......... 2... . 0. eee ee eee 245
5.6 The Development of Skills ................00005 . 246
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Riyad Mousa


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