The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 19)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 19)
guidepost for the more central issue of the extent of changes in the social relations
of production among the Palestinian Arabs in the rural areas.
The study includes the following specific questions. First, what were the
changes introduced by the colonial government in taxation and land policy, and
what impact did they have on the Palestinian Arab peasantry? Second, in what
ways did European settlement affect rural areas, and how did their acquisition of
land impact the Arab peasantry? Third, what was the nature and extent of growth
in agricultural production? How did that differ between the Jewish European
settlers and Palestinian Arabs, and within the latter? What were the consequences
of the government’s trade policies on the Arab peasantry? Fourth, what was the
extent of new techniques of production and by whom were they introduced? What
was their impact? Fifth, was there a process of differentiation among the
Palestinian Arab peasantry and how extensive was it? To what degree was this
process accompanied by capitalist development in agriculture?
1.2 Background of the Study
A major underlying theme of this study is the fast pace of the social and
economic transformation of Palestine during the Mandate period. Within this
process of transformation, one of the most pronounced elements was the fast
process of the dispossession and pauperization of the peasantry. This section
provides background information that highlights some major indicators of the
process of transformation, which places the dispossession of the peasantry in a
wider context. However, we start with some brief notes on geography and the
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Riyad Mousa


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