The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 25)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 25)
1961, after seventy years of settlement, the European population reached 220,000,
which represented only 7 percent of the total population of 3,131,000,'? in a
country whose area was 150,000 square miles, almost fifteen times bigger than
1.2.4 Inflow of Money and Capital Stock
Another major indicator of and contributing factor in the fast pace of the
social and economic transformation of Palestine was the substantial amount of
money and capital stock brought into the country by the Jewish European settlers
and the Zionist institutions, and, as part of its war efforts, the inflow of large sums
of money from the British government to cover its military expenditures during and
after World War II (WWII). |
There are two sets of annual figures on “Jewish capital imports” that are
generally similar, but one starts earlier and the other ends in later years. The first
set of annual figures is from 1917-1918 to 1944-1945 with a total of
£P 153,914,000.'* The other set of figures is for the period from 1922-1947 and
adds up to £P 170,901,000 (£P 130,509,000 in 1936 prices).'° If the overlapping
"Robin Palmer, Land and Racial Domination in Rhodesia (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1977), 12.
'Ibid., 5.
“David Gurevich, Statistical Handbook of Jewish Palestine (Jerusalem: Jewish
Agency for Palestine, Department of Statistics, 1947), 375.
Jacob Metzer, The Divided Economy of Mandatory Palestine (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1998), 245.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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