The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 30)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 30)
precursor to a historically exceptional establishment of the state of Israel, while the
Capitalist-expansion or colonial-expansion frameworks cast the establishment of
Israel in a familiar light hauntingly reminiscent of other capitalist or colonial
experiences. Our challenge is to transcend this methodological dichotomy in order
to better see both the historically specific aspects of the Mandate period and the
commonalities the Mandate had with other similar events elsewhere.
On another plane, the economic literature on the Mandate may be seen as
divided into three methodologies regarding causation. Decision-making models
focus on individual decisions in the context of preexisting options. This traditional
neoclassical approach informs much (but not all) of the dualism literature. This
approach tends to be ahistorical in explaining how individuals respond to their
options because it tends to have little to say about where those options come from.
Nonetheless, in the context of changing options, decision-making theories can be
informative. Systems models look beyond the individual but tend to show how a
system operates with less ability to show how that system might change.
Exogenous changes dominate the longer term histories of system theorists.
Decision-making theories and system theories tend to be two sides of the same
static-history coin. One sees how the individual operates; the other sees how the
system operates. Both need an external “coin flipper” to derive dramatic historical
change. Because we are dealing with dramatic historical change during the
Mandate period culminating in the establishment of the state of Israel, these two
approaches overly restrict our ability to investigate matters, and we will look for a
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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