The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 33)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 33)
market relations and the increased integration of the local economy in the world
market differentially impacted the two communities and reshaped their class
structures, economic roles. Within this context, the dualist approach does not
address the mutual impact the interaction between the two sectors had on each and
on the economy as a whole. Last, the dualist literature posits the settlement and
expansion of the “Jewish economy in” Palestine as a historically unique experience
disconnected from other European colonial settlements. Although this ideological
preinclination has the virtue of focusing on the historically specific aspects of the
Mandate economy, it suffers from the inability to draw analogies and evidence
from elsewhere to cast perspective upon and provide insight about the development
of the Mandate economy.
1.3.2 One-sector Dualism
One implicit variant of the dual approach are those works that ignore
Palestinian Arabs altogether and thus posit a separate development for a Jewish
sector. An example of this variant is one that “discusses the development of the
Jewish community during the Mandate period with virtually no reference to
Palestinian Arabs.””* Thus, “the Yishuv (Jewish settler community in Palestine)
appears to have developed in a vacuum, entirely disconnected from and
*Talal Asad, “Anthropological Texts and Ideological Problems: An Analysis
of Cohen on Arab Villages in Israel,” Review of Middle East Studies I (1975): 1-
40, 32, footnote 11. An example of this variant is S. N. Eisenstadt, /sraeli Society
(London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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