The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 58)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 58)
Part of the Jewish “advantage” in the importation of durable and
capital goods in the mid-1930s was due to the Aa’avarah
arrangements, facilitating the extraction of Jewish capital from Nazi
Germany in the form of German products, of which capital and
durable goods constituted a substantial component (the ha’avarah
transfers may have accounted for no less than 50 percent of the
value of durables and capital goods imported by Jews in 1936). In
part, however, this “advantage” reflected structural differences
between the two sectors . . . in relative capital intensity in
production, and in consumers’ wealth and demand for durable
In the case of exports, the Jewish economy had a higher share of its exports
composed of manufactured goods than did the Arab economy. However, more
important for this study is what Metzer calls “bilateral trade.” As expected in any
“developmentally disparate dual economy,” Arabs sold agricultural produce and
“labor services” to Jews. In turn, Jews sold “manufactured goods and various
services.”* In addition, and specific to Palestine, Arabs sold land and
manufactured goods, most of which were “quarry products and other building
materials,” and rented dwellings to Jews.
The figures that Metzer provides on “bilateral trade” are as follows: 37
percent (30 percent net of land) of Arab total trade was with the Jewish economy,
and 21 percent (16 percent net of land) of Jewish total trade was with the Arab
economy.® A breakdown of total trade into its import and export components
between the two economies gives the following figures: for imports, 18 percent of
*Ibid., 169. These transfers “accounted for about a quarter of all imports in
1934-35.” Ibid, 163.
“Ibid., 170.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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