The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 72)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 72)
overall situation gives some meaning to the concept of a Jewish economy.
However, it should be stressed that the way the Zionist movement’s institutions
and policies were set up, and the extent of their success, were conditioned by
existing conditions in the country, its indigenous people and their response, and the
policies of the colonial government. Similarly, the Arab socioeconomic conditions
were affected, even more, by Zionist institutions and policies, as well as by
government policies. Owen puts it in the following manner:
The concept of a Jewish economy [has] some meaning if properly
defined in terms of its scope and in terms of the exact historical
period under examination. But its use should certainly not be
allowed to give support to the assumption that it enjoyed a quiet
separate and independent existence or that economic relations
between Jews and Arabs or Jews and the Palestine government can
only be treated at the level of the two communities as a whole. To
do this is to effect the surprising conjuring trick of causing the larger
Palestinian economy—in which both Jewish and Arab activity was
embedded—to disappear.'°’
1.3.5 The Capitalist Penetration of a
Noncapitalist-economy Approach
The second approach treats the transformation of Palestine as a process of
articulation of a capitalist sector (Jewish European) with a noncapitalist sector
(Palestinian Arab).'° The interaction between the two sectors is seen both as
direct and mediated by the colonial government, the latter given critical
importance. Although this approach is a vast improvement on the dual-economy
Owen, “Introduction,” 5-6.
8 Asad, Anthropological Texts.
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Riyad Mousa


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