The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 77)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 77)
nature of cereal cultivation, the peasants’ lack of resources and thus inability to
improve their conditions, the unequal distribution of landholdings, and the
insufficiency of government efforts to alleviate the conditions of the peasants. He
recognizes the effect of Jewish land acquisitions on reducing, especially for the
future, the land available for Arab cultivators. He concludes:
Although their political and symbolic significance was great, Jewish
purchases of Arab lands were not a major factor in the
transformation of Arab rural society. The concentration of Jewish
purchasing efforts in an attempt to create contiguous holdings, their
growing preference for tracts whose acquisition did not require
displacement of Arab cultivators, their emphasis on buying land
along the coast and in the Galilee, and their chronic shortage of
funds to buy additional territory meant that large areas of Palestine
were unaffected by local Jewish land purchases.''*
However, Kamen gives a prominent place in his explanation of “changes in
patterns of Arab landholding” to population increase, which doubled during the
Mandate, and thus the pressure on the land and reduction in the size of holdings
for the majority of peasants.'’? He also employs the concept of “surplus rural
population. ”!!®
Kamen uses Boserup’s!”’
argument of how increased population density
leads to the adoption of intensive methods of cultivation. In the case of Palestine,
peasants did not have the resources to alter their “cropping system,” although
"4Tbid., 192.
"Tbid., 191.
Tbid., 45-6.
"7B, Boserup, The Conditions of Agricultural Growth (London: Allen and
Unwin, 1965).
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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