The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 79)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 79)
market and how it affected the peasantry. Finally, Kamen’s discussion of
government policies is primarily devoted to the inadequacy of its efforts to better
the conditions of agriculture and Arab peasantry. There is no consideration of, for
example, the impact of the cash taxes or tariff policies on the peasantry.
Kamen explicitly rejects the idea that Palestine during the Mandate was
“unique,” and thus requiring a unique mode of analysis. He recognizes that there
are both similarities and differences in conditions between Palestine and other
places.'”° However, in his discussion of Arab agriculture, he stops short of
including crucial factors impacting the peasantry that were also common to other
places. Again, that is the impact of the spread of market relations and of colonial
government policies on the peasantry.
1.4 The Theoretical Framework
It is useful to place the approach of this study and those of the reviewed
models in the wider context of the different approaches used in the study of
agrarian change, which as Harriss points out “reflect the major paradigms of social
science research in general.”!”! Harriss provides a useful broad classification of
those approaches, namely, decision-making models, systems approaches, and
structural/historical approaches.
27bid., 131-2.
1John Harriss, “General Introduction,” Rural Development, Theories of
Peasant Economy and Agrarian Change (London: Hutchinson & Company, 1982):
15-29, 17-18.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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