The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 93)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 93)
“assessment” of the land tenure systems as seen from the perspective of the
peasant up to the middle of the nineteenth century. In spite of changes in regimes,
regardless of where actual control of land rested, and regardless of the extent of
surplus appropriation, peasant access to land (right of usufruct) was “guaranteed”
and continuous throughout the timar and iltizam periods. This access to land
provided a sense of stability and security for the peasant, notwithstanding natural
disasters and increased exploitation as the power of the government’s local agents
increased. One could further argue: How could it have been otherwise, since we
are dealing with an agriculturally based economy? It is mainly through the surplus
appropriation of agricultural production that the state reproduced itself. Thus, it
was in the state’s vested interest not only to provide the peasant with access to
land, but also to encourage the extension of the cultivated areas, for this obviously
increased its revenues.
As part of the tanzimat, the Land Code of 1858 was an attempt to reassert
the state’s control over miri land,’ a control that, as we have seen, had been
receding the previous two centuries, resulting in the diminution of the state’s share
of the agricultural surplus. This attempt was part of the fiscal reform policy
predating the Land Code that aimed at encouraging agricultural production and
promoting industrial development."
Kerpat, 86; Baer, 83.
'’Kerpat, 86.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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