The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 99)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 99)
countries regionally and internationally.
As for the number of Jews, McCarthy and Scholch, again using Ottoman
data, reach similar figures. Scholch estimates their number at 14,730 in 1871-1872
or roughly 4 percent of the total population of Palestine.*? This seems consistent
with other estimates for the previous two decades.*? McCarthy estimates 13,000
Jewish citizens for 1860-1861 and 13,942 for 1877-1878.** Growth in the Jewish
population was primarily because of immigration that more than offset the negative
natural increase, attributable to high mortality rates.*° Actually, at various
intervals in this time period, more than half of the Jewish population consisted of
recent immigrants.*°
2.2.2 1880-1914
This section again utilizes McCarthy’s study, which represents the most
thorough treatment of the demographic development of Palestine during the late
Ottoman period and the Mandate.
2Scholch, 26.
3Ibid., footnote 45.
“McCarthy, 10. McCarthy distinguishes between Jews who were Ottoman
citizens and those who were not; he estimates an additional 1,000 to 2,000
noncitizens for this time period.
*Usial O. Schmelz, “Some Demographic Peculiarities of the Jews of Jerusalem
in the Nineteenth Century,” in Studies on Palestine During the Ottoman Period,
ed. Moshe Ma’oz (Jerusalem: Magness Press, 1975), 119-41.
36Schmelz, 140-1.
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Riyad Mousa


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