The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 100)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 100)
For 1882, McCarthy derives a total population of 468,000, of which about
15,000 were Jewish citizens.*’ He does not provide estimates of noncitizen Jews.
However, he estimates a maximum total of all Jews in 1893 to be 28,000. On the
other hand, Ruppin, the head Zionist colonization officer, estimates the total
number of Jews in 1882 to be the thereafter oft-cited figure of 25,000.*8
For 1914, it has been generally assumed that the total population of
Palestine was 689,275, of which 84,660 were Jews. This was based on J. B.
Barron’s introductory remarks to the 1922 census of Palestine carried out by the
British.* In it he claims the first figure to be the number counted by the Ottomans
in 1914. As for the second number, Barron adopts Ruppin’s estimates of the
Jewish population, since, as he claims, there was no breakdown of the total
population by religious affiliation.
However, McCarthy challenges the accuracy of both numbers. He suggests
that Barron never actually consulted Ottoman statistics, although available to him.
The number 689,275 for total population is identical to Ruppin’s estimate, while
the actual Ottoman statistics showed a total of 616,608. McCarthy further
undermines Barron’s contention by pointing out that Ottoman population statistics
were always broken down by religion.
37McCarthy, 10.
Quoted in McCarthy, 19.
J. B. Barron was the superintendent of the Census. See Palestine, Report and
General Abstracts of the Census of 1922 Jerusalem: Greek Convent Press, 1923),
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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