The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 103)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 103)
presence;** but it was also fostered by the European demand for Palestinian
agricultural products. This expansion allowed for the population increase and, at
the same time, was fueled by it. The population increase was also helped by better
health conditions, the full potential positive impact of which was diminished by the
cholera epidemic of 1865-1866 and the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878.”
The expansion of agriculture was realized through a permanent westward
movement from the central hill areas to the formerly insecure inland plains and
coastal areas, the most fertile regions of Palestine. Two examples that stand out as
indicators of the extent of this expansion are those of oranges and cereals. In the
case of oranges, it was estimated that the orange-growing area around Jaffa
quadrupled between 1850 and 1880.“ In 1856, the yield reached twenty million
oranges.” For 1873, a British trade report estimated the yield at 33.3 million and
the orchards at 420 in the vicinity of Jaffa.“° Ten years later, an American
consular report estimated a total of 800,000 trees distributed among 500
orchards*’ on 4,000 dunums. By 1913, the citrus area reached about 30,000
“Scholch, 91; Owen, Middle East, 173.
“Scholch, 43; Owen, Middle East, 264.
“Scholch, 92.
STbid., 91.
““Thid.; Owen, Middle East, 178.
“Owen, Middle East, 178.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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