The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 108)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 108)
925 were Arab and 300 Jewish European owned.” However, an industry was
loosely defined to include “all factories and workshops producing any article either
by hand or power, with or without paid labour [sic], ready for sale.”®? Moreover,
and in spite of the growth in this sector, the low level of industrial development
can be seen from the fact that the total capital invested in these industries amounted
to merely £P 1,000,000.% The total number of workers employed must have been
only a few thousand. For example, according to Husayni, there were 1,603 people
employed in Arab manufacturing (of which 600 were in soap-making and 467 in
weaving);® a third of the Jewish European establishments, comprised of about 95
percent of total Jewish investment (£P 400,000), employed 1,322 people.®
The relatively larger industries, whether in terms of number, people
employed, and capital invested, or output, were primarily those of soap
manufacture, weaving and spinning, and wine manufacture. Other industries
included “flour-milling, olive oil pressing, extraction of sesame and other oils,
tanning and shoe-making, stone-cutting and brick and pipe making, pottery, metal
works, ornamental articles, and miscellaneous industries including printing presses,
“Ibid., 221; excluding home industries and the ones that folded before 1927.
“Tbid., 221; Owen, Middle East, 341, footnote 118.
“Owen, Middle East, 266.
Muhammad Yunis Al-Husayni, Al-tatawwur Al-ijtima’i Wal Iqtisadi Ti
Filastin Al-‘arabiya (Social and Economic Development in Arab Palestine) (Jaffa:
Tamer, 1946), 126.
“Qwen, Middle East, 266.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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