The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 114)
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- The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 114)
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Before the turn of the century, European investment in the Ottoman Empire
mainly took the form of money capital as loans to the government,®® and as
investment in railroads. Ports and banks were established to facilitate these, and
the increased trade with Europe.
The foreign-owned banks established in Palestine included the Imperial
Ottoman Bank with branches in Jaffa, Jerusalem, and Haifa; Credit Lyonnais with
branches in Jaffa and Jerusalem; the Deutsche Palestine Bank with branches in
Haifa, Jaffa, and Jerusalem; and the Anglo-Palestine Company Limited, established
by the Jewish Colonization Association with branches in Jaffa, Jerusalem, and
Haifa” primarily serving Jewish European settlers. The first listed three banks
were involved in the financing of trade.
As for railroads, there was the French-financed Jaffa-Jerusalem line that
was completed in 1892, and the Acre-Haifa-Dera line (part of the Ottoman Hijaz
railway) completed in 1904. Both lines were primarily used for the movement of
pilgrims and cargo (mainly import-export trade). They were not linked to any
industrial or mining activity.
Owen, Middle East, 100-4.
®E. Weakley, “Report on the Conditions and Prospects of British Trade in
Syria,” in Issawi, Economic History, ed. Issawi, 279.
°°M. Hecker, “Die Eisenbahnen in der Asiatischer Turkei,” in Economic
History, ed. Issawi, Economic History, 249-57.
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- The Dispossession of the Peasantry
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