The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 118)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 118)
called second wave of immigrants (35,000-40,000), who arrived in Palestine
between 1904-1914, eventually left the country during the same time period.'”
However, the settlers were relatively more successful in the acquisition of land.
There are varying but close estimates of the amount of land acquired by
Jewish settlers up to the start of WWI in 1914. According to Granott, a high land
official of the Jewish National Fund, to be discussed below, and to the
Encyclopaedia Judaica, the land acquired by the settlers amounted to 418,000
dunums;'™ Orni, another official of the Jewish National Fund, gives the figure of
404,000 dunums;'” according to the French Institute National de Statistique,
420,700 dunums;''® and finally, there is the estimate of 450,000 dunums.""
Given the figures of the Jewish National Fund officials, Lehn and Davis question
the government estimate of 650,000 dunums.'? Most of the land acquired during
this time period was in the northern coastal plains and around Lake Tiberias (i.e.,
'7Cited in Weinstock, 75.
Quoted in Lehn and Davis, Table III, 74.
Quoted in Weinstock, 75.
"Quoted in Owen, Middle East, 270.
27 ehn and Davis, 74; as they point out, the government explained this figure
simply “as generally accepted.” Further the government’s figure is undermined by
the fact that the war virtually disrupted land sales, and, later on, the British
military administration suspended land sales from November 1918 to September
1920; also see John Ruedy, “Dynamics of Land Alienation,” in The
Transformation of Palestine, ed. Ibrahim Abu-Lughod (Evanston: Northern
University Press, 1971), 126.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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