The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 119)
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- The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 119)
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in some of the most fertile areas of the country).
During this period, virtually all of the land acquired by the settlers was
privately held, whether in the form of a group of families in a colony, or in
plantations, both of which hired Arab labor. However, we witness the evolution of
an ideological and institutional framework that would define and shape Zionist
policy towards land and labor, with the major components of that policy, especially
in the case of land, persisting to the present. The ideological part was reflected in
the twin elements of the strategy of the “conquest of labor” (i.e., the employment
of only Jewish workers, exclusion of Arab workers), and the “conquest of land”
(i.e., the acquisition for settlement of land that would become the “inalienable
property of the Jewish people,” alienation of land from the Palestinian Arabs).'”
The evolution of such a strategy was a response by the second wave of immigrants
(1904-1914) and the Zionist movement to what they perceived to be the failure of
the first wave of immigrants in establishing a solid foundation for the goal of
establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. The early settlements, by hiring low-paid
Arab labor, was seen as undermining the effort to attract sufficient Jewish
immigrants who would opt to stay in the country, assuming that they needed higher
'3For a treatment of this time period that explores the evolution of that
strategy in the context of the settlers’ conflict with the Palestinians and internal
history of the settlers that goes beyond the romanticism so characteristic of most
Israeli histories of this period, but also goes beyond ideological explanations (e.g.,
the claim that the socialist ideology of the second wave of immigrants would not
allow them to exploit cheap Arab labor), see Gershon Shafir, Land, Labor and the
Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1882-1914 (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1996).
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- The Dispossession of the Peasantry
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- Riyad Mousa
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