The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 172)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 172)
Table 3.7. Distribution of Holdings and Areas According to Size of Holdings for
322 Villages
size of Average Percentage Percentage
Holding Number of Area of Area of ©. Number of Area of
(Dunums) Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings Holdings
Up to 4 22,899 40,677 1.78 31.9 1.2
5-9 10,812 69,089 6.39 15.1 2.1
10-19 11,440 157,797 13.8 15.9 4.9
20-39 10,501 292,920 27.9 14.7 9
40-99 10,331 634,066 61 14.4 19.4
100-199 3,905 533,947 137 5.4 16.3
200-399 1,320 354,227 268 2 10.9
400-999 481 274,888 571 0.7 8.4
1,000-2,999 115 189,603 1,649 [ 5.8
3,000-4,999 22 81,086 3,686 0.2 2.5
Over 5,000 13 624,435 48 033 ] 19.2
Total 71,789 3,252,735 45.1 100 100
Source: Derived from Monthly Bulletin of Current Statistics, December 1945,
January-March 1946, as reproduced in P. J. Loftus, National Income of Palestine,
1944, 44.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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