The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 174)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 174)
Table 3.8. Distribution of Holdings Possessed by Resident Villagers by Size
Size of Area of Area of a Percentage
Holdings Number of Holdings Holding Number of Area of
(dunums) Holdings (dunums) (dunums) Holdings Holdings
0-5 98 266 2.7 13.9 0.9
6-10 93 735 7.9 13.2 2.5
11-20 155 2,221 14.3 22 7.6
21-40 139 4,129 29.7 19.7 14.1
41-60 92 4,499 48.9 13 15.4
61-80 45 3,117 69.3 6.4 10.7
81-120 53 5,215 98.4 7.5 17.9
121-300 25 4,288 171.5 3.5 14.7
300+ 5 4,729 945.8 0.7 16.2
Total 705 (a) 29,199 (a) 41.4 100 100
(a) The 705 holdings with an area of 29,199 dunums include lands owned by
villagers outside the village boundaries; if those were excluded, the land within the
villages comprise 690 holdings and 24,784 dunums.
Source: Derived from Loftus, 45; Survey I, 276.
dunums, 0.7 percent of holdings covered 16.2 percent of the total area. The
average area of a holding was 41.4 dunums. There was also no ownership
distribution in this survey.
An important finding of the survey was that only 15.5 percent of the total
area of the villages was owned by absentee landlords, 80 percent by resident
villagers, 0.8 percent was Wagf, and 3.4 percent was communal or state land. The
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Riyad Mousa


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