The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 176)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 176)
"UOISSILUEd JNOYUM payiqiyoud uolHonpojdas Joy"N4 wauMO }YyBUAdOO ay} Jo UOIssiWWad YM paonpoiday
Table 3.9. Fragmentation of Holdings of Residents of Five Villages
Gross Size of
Number of Holdings Composed of the Following
Number of Fragments
Number of Fragments
Per Holding
(dunums) Total Number of Total Number of Area .
1-2 3-6 7-10 11-14 15-18 19+ Holdings Fragments (dunums) Mean Median
-5 90 4 5 3 2 — 104 24) 282 2.3 1.0
6-10 41 27 5 14 2 — 89 416 687 4.7 3.0
11-20 30 60 22 il 21 5 149 1,051 2,208 7.1 5.0
21-40 9 50 22 36 14 30 161 1,880 4,738 11.7 10.0
41-60 1 12 24 23 10 7 77 920 3,861 11.9 11.0
61-80 ] 5 6 11 9 12 44 674 3,045 15.3 13.5
81-120 — 4 10 13 9 5 41 553 4,214 13.5 13.0
121+ — 2 5 3 4 11 25 448 5,749 17.9 16.0
Total 172 164 99 114 71 70 690 6,183 24,784 9.0 9.0
Sources: Loftus, 46; Survey I, 276.
Riyad Mousa


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