The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 197)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 197)
Table 4.4. Area, Export, and Value of Citrus, 1913-1914/1945-1946
Exports as Citrus
Value of Percentage Exports as
Citrus of Ail Percentage
Area in Export in Exports Agricultural of All
Year Dunums Boxes (£P) Exports (a) Exports
1913-1914 30,000 1,553,861
1920-1921 830,959
1921-1922 29,000 1,234,251
1922-1923 29,500 1,365,543
1923-1924 30,000 1,589,331
1924-1925 30,500 2,146,457
1925-1926 38,500 1,518,731 467,632 46 36
1926-1927 56,500 2,668,291 827,897 55 44
1927-1928 67,000 2,220,443 654,820 62 44
1928-1929 87,000 1,802,547 539,512 49 35
1929-1930 106,500 2,610,205 784,777 53 41
1930-1931 121,500 2,469,856 744,513 61 47
1931-1932 156,500 3,698,489 1,785,261 88 75
1932-1933 200,000 4,490,409 2,097,393 93 81
1933-1934 250,000 5,533,350 2,633,380 92 85
1934-1935 278,000 7,334,343 3,382,964 90 80
1935-1936 298,000 5,886,401 (b) 2,535,870 83 70
1936-1937 299,500 10,795,894 3,873,429 79 67
1937-1938 299,500 11,444,408 3,880,135 93 77
1938-1939 299,500 15,264,776 4,355,853 (c) 85
1939-1940 299,500 7,590,465 1,918,298 (c) 47
1940-1941 282,500 159,803 59,300 12 1
1941-1942 272,000 533,550 233,332 41 3
1942-1943 272,000 1,069,469 390,111 54 8
1943-1944 261,000 2,424,887 1,159,700
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Riyad Mousa


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