The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 199)


The Dispossession of the Peasantry (ص 199)
By the 1922-1923 season, the area cultivated with citrus realized its prewar
level of 30,000 dunums. Thereafter, there was a secular increase in area reaching
about 300,000 dunums in the 1936-1937 season, and maintaining that level through
the 1939-1940 season. In 1938, the citrus output represented 58 percent of the
value of all principal crops. With the onset of WWII and the consequent shortage
of shipping and of fertilizers and shipping containers, citrus groves were being
abandoned or uprooted so that by the 1944-1945 season the area had declined to
244,000 dunums.
Most of the area of citrus groves, about two thirds, was planted between
1930 and 1936, when prices and profits were high.” It was also in the early
1930s that the bulk of European Jewish groves were planted at such a fast rate that
by 1936, the groves owned by them reached 155,000 dunums (i.e., 52 percent of
the total for the whole country when in 1922 they owned 10,000 dunums or about
35 percent of the total).*
In 1942, a majority of the groves were relatively small such that 85 percent
of the groves were under 40 dunums in area and constituted close to 46 percent of
the total area, while about the largest 9 percent of groves, the ones over 60
dunums, constituted close to 41 percent of the total area.”
*4Robert R. Nathan, Oscar Gass, and Daniel Creamer, Palestine: Problem and
Promise, An Economic Study (Washington, DC: American Council on Public
Affairs, 1946), 210.
Gurevich, Handbook, 179.
6Survey I, 337.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Riyad Mousa


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